What could be better than the delicious, yummy, tempting, heavenly (you see where this is going) taste of freshly baked bread.
I love food.
In fact, a friend of mine, when asked by someone else what I like to eat, answered once: “She likes everything and a LOT of it.” There, I was described as a glutton.
However, instead of referring to myself as a gourmand – in the negative sense of the word, I personally rather use the word gourmet. Although the bottom line is the same, both like to eat a ton; the latter enjoys the smell, look, feel, preparation, and taste of food. I believe you could say it is almost like an innocent love-affair.
Now you probably ask yourself where this is going and what in the world it has to do with gluten or the intolerance to this grain-protein, which seems to spread across the United States at neck-braking speed. Well, let me tell you. I want to save people from losing the experience of ever tasting delightful, mouthwatering fresh-baked bread, bagels, muffins, croissants, and the same.
By the way, gluten intolerance was the topic of a wonderful seminar that I taught a little while ago at All About Herbs in Wasilla, AK. Thank you for everyone who attended the class – it was great to see so many interested people there!
At any rate, in my opinion, it is not the grain or the gluten that make us sick. (Of course, this excludes the small amount of people who truly suffer from genetic Celiac Disease). It is the way we grow, treat, and process our food.
I mean, have you ever asked yourself why? And why now? Humans have grown and eaten grains for many thousands of years. It was one of the first crops grown by settling nomads. People of all cultures mill grain and bake bread of all sorts.
This could be an evening-filling topic, but I would like to stop at this point and encourage you to think about the answers to above mentioned questions for yourself. Or maybe you’d like to discuss this with friends or family.
Either way, be assured, that most of you (not all, I acknowledge that) can heal yourself through a deeper connection with your body. Listen to the messages it sends you and before too long you will be able to understand. This inner knowledge combined with nutritional education is a powerful too to create long-lasting health and well-being.
Much love your way,
~ Alexandra